José C. Urrutia / developer-printer

“A developer is the interpreter of the artist’s feelings and emotions who takes the image to its maximum expression, whilst respecting the artist’s criteria”

Meet José C. Urrutia

José began his career in 1984 at LAB, Valentín Vallhonrat’s laboratory in Madrid, where he worked with artists such as Cristina García Rodero, Alberto Schommer, Alberto García-Alix, Javier Vallhonrat, Horst P. Horst, etc.

At this laboratory he conducted research into the conservation of photographic negatives and originals and worked on the recovery of several historical photographic archives, including those of Ortiz Echagüe and Fundación Telefónica.

In 1993 he began his professional digital phase and helped numerous professional advertising and fashion photographers to make the move from the analogue to the digital world, working closely with them on the digital retouching of national campaigns, for 15 years.

In 2010 he set up Photogune Lab in Donostia-San Sebastián, a more intimate city, where he continued his professional activity as a developer/printer. He also participated in the creation of Photogune Espacio, a forum for dissemination and exchange of knowledge on photography.

His work over the years includes different activities such as analogue copying, digital printing for exhibitions, pre-printing for books, file recovery and digital retouching for publishing and advertising campaigns:


Karlheinz Weinberger, Tony Ray Jones, Xavier Blondeau, Eduardo Nave, Corentin Fohlen, Pierre Carreau, Olivier Deck, Iñigo Royo, Jon Cazenave, Graciela Iturbide, Alberto Schommer, Cristina García Rodero, Javier Vallhonrat, Valentín Vallhonrat, Cesar Lucadamo, Antxon Hernández, Fernando Manso, Cesar Urrutia, Horst P. Horst, Alberto Garcia-Alix, Xavier Guardans, Paz Errazuriz, Aitor Ortiz, Juan Gatti, Alejandro Cabrera, Nacho Pinedo, Javier Salas, Cees Van Gelderen, Jordi Socias, Paco Navarro…

Advertising campaigns and brand publishing work:

Loewe, El Corte Inglés, Movistar, Museo del Prado, Telefónica, Vodafone, Once, Iberia, Pepe Jeans, Jesús del Pozo, Zara, Pull & Bear, Carrera & Carrera, Perlas Kaylis (Australia), Pomelato (Italy), Blanco, JB, Kellog’s, Tampax, Region of Madrid, PromoMadrid, Region of Castilla-León, Banco Popular, Greenpeace, Vogue Spain, Vogue Japan, Vogue Italy, Elle, Telva, Woman, GQ, Madriz Magazine, Barcelonés, Matador, Rebel, Man, Interviú, El País Semanal, XL Semanal (Vocento), Yo Dona, Cinemanía, Canal Plus magazine, Neo 2, Big…

Companies, organisations and entities:

University of Navarra (José Ortiz Echagüe), Fundación Telefónica, archive of Emmanuelle Sougez, Fundación Marcelino Botín, America’s Cup, Promo Madrid, E. Woerdehoff (Paris), L’Angle (Hendaye), Guipúzcoa Provincial Council, San Telmo Museum (San Sebastián), Artium Museum (Vitoria), Fundación Mapfre…